Eniola Aluko MBE : A footballer, lawyer, broadcaster, author, and philanthropist. Her multi-faceted career, distinguished notably by her tenure with England national team and Chelsea FC Women, has ceaselessly worked towards elevating women’s football into the limelight. Blazing trails across various industries, Eni’s audacious spirit serves as a testament to her prowess and dedication.

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Eniola Aluko, MBE

Eni is delighted to be included in King Charles's Birthday Honours List. In light of the news, she shared her excitement about the news via her Instagram. Here is a short film explaining what the MBE announcement means to Eni and her family.

They Don’t Teach This

Eni Aluko made her literary debut in 2019 with ‘They Don’t Teach This.’ More than a memoir, the book delves into dual nationality and identity, tackles race and institutional prejudice, and reflects on success, failure, and faith. It’s a guiding beacon, offering life lessons drawn from Eni’s own journey. This thought-provoking work encourages readers and the future generation to perceive life’s challenges through a new lens.

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Eni’s brainchild is a lifestyle, culture travel essentials brand celebrating the hyphenated individuals who carry dual heritage and exist between cultures as well as individuals with multiple facets to their careers. Offering a wide array of travel products and compelling online content, Hyphen serves as a champion for a global community of Hyphenated People who enrich their lives through travel.

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Through her involvement with key charities and organisations, Eni actively supports initiatives that drive global change.

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